技術摘要 / Our Technology: |
本發明提供一種偵測與解析應用程式介面(Application Programming Interfaces, APIs)之機制,包含:一客戶端向一伺服端裝置請求該伺服端所支援之應用程式介面;以及該伺服端以一列表回覆該客戶端,該列表包含該伺服端所支援應用程式介面之識別符,其中每一應用程式介面之識別符包含可以取得對應於該識別符之應用程式介面定義資料之網路位址。該機制提供一系統化之方法以建立一客戶端與一伺服端間對於應用程式介面定義之共識,即使該客戶端、該伺服端、以及該應用程式介面定義係各自由不同研發人員所發展。因此本發明使得各自獨立發展之裝置能夠輕易地整合成一系統,其中一客戶端裝置可以自動且正確的決定執行時,與一伺服端裝置溝通所使用之應用程式介面。
The present invention provides a mechanism for detecting and resolving Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) comprising: requesting a server device by a client device for the APIs supported by the server; and responding by the server with a list containing the identifiers of the APIs supported by the server, wherein each of the identifiers contains the network address from which the corresponding API definition document can be obtained. The proposed mechanism provides a systematic way to establish the consensus on API definitions between a client and a server even if the client, the server, and the API definitions are each developed by a different party. Therefore, this invention allows independently developed devices to be easily integrated into a system, in which a client device can automatically and correctly determine the APIs for communicating with a server device at runtime.
專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties: |
聯繫方式 / Contact: |
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU |
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw |
電話/Tel:02-3366-9945 |