高功率與高效率射頻整流器 刊登日期:2014/10/01
  ‧ 專利名稱 整流模組、其電子裝置及其整流方法
  ‧ 專利證書號 I489761
  ‧ 專利權人 國立臺灣大學
  ‧ 專利國家
中華民國 (2013/03/22)
美國 (2014/03/21)
  ‧ 發明人 毛紹綱,
An exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure illustrates a rectifying module, which is operable for rectifying an alternating current (AC) signal into a direct current (DC) signal. The rectifying module includes a transmission line, at least one rectifying unit, and at least one pattern. The transmission line is configured for receiving and transmitting the alternating current signal. The rectifying unit is arranged neighboring to the transmission line for operatively coupling with the transmission line to receive a part of the alternating current signal and rectifies the alternating current signal into the DC signal. The pattern is configured to be a hollow grounding structure and the pattern is disposed under the dual-line coupling areas of the rectifying unit neighboring to the transmission line.

聯絡人: 研發處產學合作總中心 電話: (02)3366-9949
地 址: 10617臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 禮賢樓六樓608室