刊登日期:2014/05/21 |
‧ 專利名稱 |
橋樑檢測裝置及方法 |
‧ 專利證書號 |
I391550 US 8,830,315
‧ 專利權人 |
國立臺灣大學 |
‧ 專利國家
(申請日) |
中華民國 (2010/01/14) 美國 (2010/07/15)
‧ 發明人/PI |
‧ 單位 |
‧ 簡歷/Experience |
技術摘要 / Our Technology: |
The present invention relates to a bridge inspecting device for inspecting a structure of a bridge. The device includes a vehicle, a pendulum mechanism and at least one image sensing device. The vehicle has an arm and is stably parked at an edge of the bridge. The pendulum mechanism has an end movably secured to the arm and the pendulum mechanism has at least one pendulum element. The at least one image sensing device is connected to another end of the pendulum mechanism.
專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties: |
聯繫方式 / Contact: |
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU |
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw |
電話/Tel:02-3366-9945 |
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