判別國產硬質玉米 SNP 分子標誌檢測套件 A novel SNP marker set for 10 locally produced maize varieties in Taiwan |
‧ 發明人/PI |
胡凱康 Kae-kang Hwu |
‧ 單位 |
農藝學系 Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan U. |
‧ 簡歷/Experience |
市場需求 / Market Needs: |
Maize farmers in Taiwan may be tempted to submit their produce adulterated with cheaper imported maize kernels and thus violate the production contract. The proposed testing method provides a technical means for the regulatory agencies in Taiwan to distinguish locally produced maize kernels from the import ones.
技術摘要 / Our Technology: |
A set of four novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were selected from 14,527 high quality variants obtained from parallel sequenced maize genomes. The homozygous genotypes of these four SNP markers are common (with frequency higher than 90%) to the 10 maize varieties jointly cover the vast majority of maize production area, while less frequent (with frequency less than 15%) to the imported maize kernels. A test plan that testing 10 kernels and accepting samples as locally produced with no less than 5 kernels having the combined homozygous genotype, will have an expected false positive rate of 0.01% and false negative rate 0.99%.
優勢 / Strength: |
(1) The 10 maize varieties used to select the SNP marker set jointly covers vast majority of maize production area in Taiwan.
(2) Since the genotypes of these markers are the same in the 10 locally produced varieties, test results will not be interfered by cross pollination in the field, or admixture during post-harvest processes.
(3) Compatible with automated high throughput allele discrimination platforms.
聯繫方式 / Contact: |
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU |
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw |
電話/Tel:02-3366-9945 |