a method of ultrasound nonlinear imaging with golay code excitation
  ‧ 專利名稱 a method of ultrasound nonlinear imaging with golay code excitation
  ‧ 公開號 20150119716
  ‧ 專利權人 國立臺灣大學
  ‧ 專利國家
美國 (2014/03/05)
  ‧ 發明人/PI 李百祺,沈哲州,
  ‧ 單位 生醫電子與資訊學研究所
  ‧ 簡歷/Experience
技術摘要 / Our Technology:
A method of ultrasound nonlinear imaging with high-bit Golay code excitation includes transmitting a first, a second, a third and a fourth Golay code signal wave which have more than four bits and are orthogonal pairs to each other; making the second and the forth Golay code signal wave be subtracted from the first and the third Golay code signal wave respectively to eliminate noise interference wave; performing compression filtering process to the above generated waves and taking a cross sum to generate two compressed code waves; taking the difference between the two compressed code waves to generate an image wave which includes at least two second-order harmonic waves; processing ultrasound nonlinear imaging by using the second-order harmonic waves and to generate an ultrasound image.

專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties:


聯繫方式 / Contact:
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw 電話/Tel:02-3366-9945