技術摘要 / Our Technology: |
本團隊研發新型水溶膜。水溶膜以dip coating方式成膜,可完整包覆且束縛導尿管前端,使之從蕈菇型束縛呈流線型。在置放導尿管時,不需另外使用導尿管內通條(stylet) 即可安全且簡單置放。此水溶膜在沾取jelly潤滑液後可維持3至4分鐘溶脹,遇水30秒內溶脹,符合臨床使用需要。
相較於臨床常見的水球型導尿管,本產品可減少諸多副作用與併發症像是: 尿滯留、感染、尿結晶沉澱、結石形成、對於膀胱後壁之刺激與尿道創傷。且能夠以簡單安全的方法放置。
We have developed a novel water-soluble membrane. This innovative membrane has the unique ability to cover and secure the tip of the catheter, transforming it from a mushroom shape to a streamlined water-drop shape.
The primary function of the membrane is to maintain the shape of the catheter's tip, ensuring its effectiveness during use. The membrane swells and fully dissolves in just 3-4 minutes when exposed to jelly, and a mere 30 seconds when in contact with water or urine which meets the clinical need.
With the incorporation of our membrane, the catheter no longer requires a metal stylet for support. This design significantly enhances the ease and safety of catheterization, minimizing the risk of potential harm to the urethra.
Our product offers additional benefits by reducing the occurrence of side effects commonly associated with traditional Foley catheters. This product can reduce the risk of urinary retention, infections, urine crystals, and stone formation. This advancement in catheter brings about a higher level of comfort and well-being for patients who require urinary catheterization, ultimately improving their quality of life.
專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties: |
相關圖片: |
聯繫方式 / Contact: |
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU |
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw |
電話/Tel:02-3366-9945 |