技術摘要 / Our Technology: |
本發明提供一種用以補償晃動(Jitter)狀態之數位影像穩定裝置,該晃動狀態係發生於影像序列中所包含之N個畫面(Frame)中的第i個畫面,N個畫面中的每一個畫面皆包含複數個區塊,其中N是大於或等於3的正整數,而i是包含1到N之整數指標,該裝置包含:決定模組、比較模組以及調整模組。決定模組係用以決定第(i-1)個畫面中一背景區域(BRi-1)(Background Region)的區塊(Block)。比較模組耦接於決定模組,比較模組用以比對第(i-1)個畫面中該背景區域(BRi-1)的區塊以及與此區塊相對應之第i個畫面的區塊,以決定一移動向量(Jitter Vector)。調整模組耦接於比較模組,調整模組利用移動向量調整第i個畫面,以補償第i個畫面所發生之晃動狀態。
This invention provides a digital image stabilization apparatus for compensating a jitter in the ith frame among N frames of a video sequence, said apparatus comprises a determining module, a comparing module and an adjusting module. The determining module for determining the blocks of a respective background region (BRi-1) on the (i-1)th frame. The comparing module, coupled to the determining module, for comparing the blocks of the background region (BRi-1) on the (i-1)th frame with the blocks making up the ith frame to determine ajitter vector. The adjusting module, coupled to the comparing module, for adjusting the ith frame using the jitter vector to compensate for the jitter in the ith frame.
專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties: |
聯繫方式 / Contact: |
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU |
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw |
電話/Tel:02-3366-9945 |