  ‧ 專利名稱 生物的生命徵候的量測設備
  ‧ 專利證書號 I310680
  ‧ 專利權人 國立臺灣大學
  ‧ 專利國家
中華民國 (2005/06/30)
  ‧ 發明人/PI 趙福杉,李振宇,林啟萬,楊龍杰,楊燿州,
  ‧ 單位 醫學工程學研究所(醫)
  ‧ 簡歷/Experience
技術摘要 / Our Technology:
A new method to measure vital signs of creatures is proposed. First, electrically connect an intravenous catheter and the vein of a creature by filling electrolyte into the catheter. Then connect the sensing electrode placed inside the filled catheter to a signal output device to amplify and filter the measured signal. Thereafter, the heart rate and respiratory rate of the creature can be calculated.

專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties:


聯繫方式 / Contact:
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw 電話/Tel:02-3366-9945