刊登日期:2014/05/21 |
‧ 專利名稱 |
數位影像防震之方法 |
‧ 專利證書號 |
I346500 US7956898
‧ 專利權人 |
國立臺灣大學 |
‧ 專利國家
(申請日) |
中華民國 (2007/10/12) 美國 (2008/04/01)
‧ 發明人/PI |
陳宏銘 ,梁家愷 ,葉德榮 ,宋栢安 ,
‧ 單位 |
‧ 簡歷/Experience |
技術摘要 / Our Technology: |
A digital image stabilization method that integrates a digital stabilization device and a digital video encoder is disclosed. The digital stabilization device comprises a determining module for determining background regions, a comparison module for calculating motion vectors, and an adjustment module for adjusting jerky image motion in frames. When there are frame jiggles, the motion vector between an I frame and a P frame is used for motion estimation to get a first motion vector and also define a background region of the P frame. Next, a second motion vector of a B frame is calculated according to the background region to adjust jerky motion of the P frame and the B frame for stabilization. The next P frame then uses the background region of the preceding P frame as its background region.
專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties: |
聯繫方式 / Contact: |
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU |
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw |
電話/Tel:02-3366-9945 |
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