  ‧ 專利名稱 數值資料範圍區間查詢方法及系統
  ‧ 專利證書號 I413910
  ‧ 專利權人 國立臺灣大學
  ‧ 專利國家
中華民國 (2008/01/25)
美國 (2008/06/19)
  ‧ 發明人/PI 龔景富 ,王勝德 ,
  ‧ 單位 電機工程學系
  ‧ 簡歷/Experience
技術摘要 / Our Technology:

A data item interval identifier lookup method and system is proposed, which is designed for integration to an information processing system for finding which predefined interval the value of an input data item, such as an IP (Internet Protocol) address, belongs. The proposed method and system is characterized by the use of a multi-stage lookup-table data structure having a number of cascaded lookup tables constructed by partitioning the data format of the input data item into a number of segments, each being mapped to one stage of lookup table data structure whose key-value relationships are predefined based on a predefined interval-and-identifier definition table. In operation, the values of the partitioned segments are sequentially used as lookup keys to search through the multi-stage lookup-table data structure until the corresponding interval identifier is found. This feature allows the implementation to have low memory requirement and enhanced system performance.

專利簡述 / Intellectual Properties:


聯繫方式 / Contact:
臺大產學合作總中心 / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, NTU
Email:ordiac@ntu.edu.tw 電話/Tel:02-3366-9945